Synergy Leadership Canada
Living Springs Consulting Inc.
“Why you lead and the way you lead are important.
They define YOU, your leadership, and ultimately your contribution.”
-John Maxwell
Building and Supporting High-Performance Personal and Organizational Systems
At synergy Leadership, we influence change by creating a forum where we can Surround ourselves with a growth-minded community. This free virtual/in-person workshop is equipment with great competent organizational resource, to help you or your workforce create high-performance teams, that believe in progressive positive change. This is achieved through daily practical behavioral change implementation application.
Tea Talk Change
At Synergy Leadership, we believe that every mile starts with a step. We need attitude shift; this we can achieve by connecting to a one-on-one small community. Once you’ve shifted your attitude, you can get to the business of being a great leader. Being a great leader is all about having a genuine willingness and a true commitment to lead others to achieve a common vision and goals through positive influence. No leader can ever achieve anything great or long-lasting all alone.
Plan to attend Synergy Leadership Annual Conference, it is tailored towards helping you secure a solid understanding of the pressing issues impacting today’s Christian Faith Organizations
You will also develop new ways of thinking and alternative solutions that could translate to meaningful cost savings or valuable benefits for your faith workforce in the 21st century
The difference between retaining your current work and losing them can be as simple as the difference between discovering and equipping yourself into a great leader. At Synergy Leadership, we work with your flexibility, whether in one-on-one, or birth together with a small group. Research shows that people learn better in a small group, find out how Synergy Leadership can partner with you in bringing an engaging and result-oriented learning and development pathway close to you.
As your personal growth and leadership skills grow, you will attract others, especially the young adults in ministry. The next step is to equip them to become a leader and this a major area of challenge for most ministry. At Synergy Leadership, we encourage a continuity mindset and strategic plan. Contact us on how your faith organization can birth and bread young adults into ministry leadership. This is your ultimate expressions of powerful, positive leadership, that moves you beyond personal success into legacy.
If you, or your family members, or your friends are immigrating to Canada , you can count on Synergy Leadership for your spiritual and professional advise. We also help new immigrants make a financial strategy. This makes you feel more secure about the future and create a strategy to help you pursue financial independence and focus on what matters most, creating a better quality of life for you and your loved ones.